How to Improve Winter Driving Range in the ID.4

March 17th, 2023 by

One of the biggest questions we get, especially when the weather starts to cool down, is “What about the winter driving range”? While the cold weather can reduce the range, it doesn’t impact the ID.4 range as much as you might think! With a couple of quick tips from our EV Manager, Mark, your winter driving worries will be a thing of the past!

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Hi there this is Mark from Vancouver Volkswagen.
One of the questions I get asked the most right now is “what happens in winter with electric cars?” It is true that you do lose a little bit of range in the winter, however, there’s a couple things you can do to help offset that a lot. The biggest one is pre-conditioning the car. Let me show you how to do it.

So if you go into Carnet open up the Carnet app. select the car, if you have more than one like me, and you get to here. This is the ID.4 information it shows you the kilometers of range how much charge and the temperature you want. Select whatever temperature you want and just hit on. Once the screen does that it’s sending the changes to your Volkswagen and you can move on.

All right let’s go take a look at the car. All right so now that we’re outside of the car probably won’t hear it through the camera but you can actually hear a little bit of noise that the heater is running come around here. As you get in the vehicle it’s nice and toasty. All right, so the best part about all of this is while you’ve been warming up the car using some energy it’s not from the battery the battery has been charging the whole time and you’re gonna leave the house fully charged ready to go.

Thanks for watching this information about the ID.4 if you have any questions let me know in the comments and I’ll get back to you with the answer.

Have more questions about how to extend the range of your ID.4? Our dedicated EV team is here to help. We might have answered some of your questions on our EV hub page, here >.

Posted in EVs, ID.4